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911 Restoration Denton County Joins The Rest Of The Nation In Celebrating Labor Day

Published by SEO on September 5, 2016 in category: Current Event

Labor Day is a day that we honor the men and women of the American labor force and their significant contributions to our economy and society at large. We at 911 Restoration Denton County are one with the rest of the nation in celebrating the great achievements of our workers throughout the country this September 5th.911restoration-mdlogo

The history of Labor Day in the US is a long one and it begins in the 19th Century with the rise of trade unions and labor movements seeking a day to celebrate the contributions of workers. Different groups would have different dates on which to celebrate labor.

Oregon was the first state to make it a public holiday in 1887 and more states followed. Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York all followed suit in enacting state legislation that created a Labor Day holiday. Before the end of 1880s, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Nebraska would follow.

By 1894, 23 US states had enacted legislation that would create a holiday to honor workers and by June 24 of that year congress would pass legislation that would mark every first Monday of September as a federal holiday that would hence be celebrated as Labor Day.

911 Restoration Denton County honors all the workers throughout the country on this day. And whenever you need help in dealing with roof leaks and all other water damage emergencies, we’ll be ready to lend you a hand. Happy Labor Day!



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