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Raw Sewage Backups: Don’t Let it Sit, Have a Professional Clean Up Your….Stuff

Published by 911 Restoration Denton County on May 14, 2014 in category: Sewage Backup Cleanup
Nobody wants to have to deal with a raw sewage backup, especially in the home where the saturation is completely indiscriminate. The smell permeates everything and activates the gag reflex, but that is not as toxic as what can happen to you or your kids... 

Creating a Water Leak Checklist

Published by 911 Restoration Denton County on April 17, 2014 in category: Water Damage Restoration
Water leaks are known to happen for a number of reasons. Pipes can freeze and burst, tree roots can grow into pipes, water lines can become old and rusty, and appliances can start to leak. When an appliance or pipe leaks, it can cause a... 

How to Pick the Right Sump Pump

Published by 911 Restoration Denton County on April 2, 2014 in category: Water Damage Restoration
The purpose of a sump pump is to keep your basement dry. Not every home necessarily needs a sump pump. For example, if your home is located at the top of a hill in a very dry climate, a sump pump may never need to... 

Copper Gutters: Elegant, But Worth It?

Published by 911 Restoration Denton County on March 25, 2014 in category: Water Damage Restoration
Rain gutters are one of those mundane things around the house that most people rarely think about. They certainly never dream of spending thousands of dollars on them. But some homeowners have found that a copper gutter system is one of the best home improvement... 

Winter Snow in Denton County

Published by 911 Restoration Denton County on March 4, 2014 in category: Current Event
The 2013 – 2014 winter season has been one for the record books. The east coast and Midwestern states have experienced more below-zero temperatures than before while snow keeps piling up. However, what’s really got people talking is the unheard of freezing temperatures and snowstorms... 
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*Property Owners Only. Restrictions Apply